Holy Spirit

Are we the good Samaritan? Or the robber?

Are we the good Samaritan? Or the robber?

Are we the good Samaritan? Or the robber? We are all one or the other. There’s no saying that we’ve never been in the scenario Jesus painted. Because we’re in. Right now. Every. Single. one. of. us. Everyone!

Are we the good Samaritan? Or the robber?
Look at the image. Are we the child? Or are we the person responsible for the man being on the bench?

In other words, are we the Good Samaritan? Or the Robber?

And did you notice the image of the person on the wall?

Are we the good Samaritan? Or the robber? Read More »

Where are the peacemakers? Who will speak for me?

Where are the peacemakers?

Jesus said, Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.  But where are the peacemakers?  In Isaiah, God asked who He should send, and one person said, Here I am! Send me!  Where is that person today?  Is there really no one willing to be God’s messenger today?  Are there really no sons of God left?  It appears that the answer to both is a resounding NO!  Jesus can ask, who will speak for me.  But no one’s answering.  Like an ostrich with its head in the sand, we can’t hear.

Where are the peacemakers? Read More »

Would Jesus ever pander to the base?

Would Jesus ever pander to the base?

Would Jesus ever pander to the base?  It’s a question that Christians really need to ask themselves.  And I mean really stand in from of the mirror – look yourself in the eye – and ask, “Do you believe that Jesus would ever pander to the base?” Then, if you’re a Trump supporter, ask yourself how you reconcile his words and actions with what Jesus taught. 

Last night, while more than 25 cities had riots raging over the police killing of George Floyd, the normally active Trump twitter account was largely silent.  There were but two Tweets – neither of which was helpful.  No calls for calm.  No words of hope.  Just lot’s of silence. 

Is that really the kind of person Jesus wants us to support?  Or does He actually want us to convert that kind of person to be more like Him? 

Would Jesus ever pander to the base? Read More »

Why are you not burying him?

Why are you not burying him? Let the dead bury the dead!

Let the dead bury the dead.
Remember where we all came from.  Maybe not to the extent Trump is, but we all came from a life where anger and hatred were the norm.  Do we really want to go back there, now that we’ve learned about God’s kind of love?  Is it really worth potentially giving up our inheritance from God just to get this kind of person elected?  I don’t have children, but do you really want your children to have to grow up in a world where uncontrolled hatred and anger are the norm?

Why are you not burying him? Let the dead bury the dead! Read More »

Cell phone cameras have replaced portable cameras

Cell phone cameras have replaced portable cameras – a decade of changes

Cell phone cameras have replaced portable cameras – a decade of changes taking us away from God.

The details are important.  The lack of them makes your cell phone picture different from what a good quality film camera will give you.  And maybe you’re OK with that.  But the lack of details can be the difference between these two sets of gates.

Mt 7:13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

Question – are you OK with not getting enough details on how to walk the narrow path rather than the wide path?  Are you OK with walking to the devil, rather than to God?  And all because of a lack of details?

I’m not OK with that.   I pray you aren’t either.

Cell phone cameras have replaced portable cameras – a decade of changes Read More »

never leave the office

We never leave the office – a decade of changes

People never really leave the office.  That’s one of many things that have changed over the past decade.  At least according to 247temp.com.  I remember pretty much never leaving the office way more than ten years ago. 

But then, given that I worked in the technology field, maybe I was just in a position to do something that’s more common now.

The thing is, whether you were an early adopter like me, or someone who’s relatively recently earned the badge of never leaving the office, it has impacts.  And they aren’t good.

We never leave the office – a decade of changes Read More »

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