Abortion and Christianity

my body my choice - or - your body my choice

My body my choice. Is it just a way to avoid being responsible?

My body my choice! It feels like it’s being used for lots of things these days. Not getting vaccinated. And by extension, not vaccinating kids. Getting an abortion. And by extension, in a similar manner, not having kids. Of course, there are arguments made on both sides of both issues. We’ll look at both. However, I want to add another dimension. Christianity. Why? Because it makes things much more clear. And, by extension, much more volatile.

My body my choice. Is it just a way to avoid being responsible? Read More »

If Christians make abortion illegal, what have we really done?

If Christians make abortion illegal, what have we really done?

If Christians make abortion illegal, what have we really done?  The article starts off, The Ohio Senate on Wednesday approved controversial legislation banning abortion after a fetal heartbeat is detected.  That was almost four years ago. Now, more states have followed them. The Supreme Court, according to leaked documents, is about to overturn Roe v Wade. And my question is becoming more relevant and more critical every day.

If Christians make abortion illegal, what have we really done? Read More »

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