Ordinary life versus Christianity

Christians are supposed to follow the narrow path. Ordinary life in America usually seems to lead us to the wide path. Here are some ways we end up on the wrong one, headed for the wrong place.

Should we respond to hate with more hate?

Should we respond to hate with more hate?

Should we respond to hate with more hate?  I dare say, most people know the answer to this question.  It’s generic.  It doesn’t specify what kind of hate.  So chances are, most people would say “no, we should not respond to hate with more hate”.  The problem is, in the back of our minds, there’s an “unless it’s ______”.  If we’re talking about the specific kind of hate that pushes our buttons – the answer is quite different.  Even if we don’t like to acknowledge it.

Should we respond to hate with more hate? Read More »

Are we the good Samaritan? Or the robber?

Are we the good Samaritan? Or the robber?

Are we the good Samaritan? Or the robber? We are all one or the other. There’s no saying that we’ve never been in the scenario Jesus painted. Because we’re in. Right now. Every. Single. one. of. us. Everyone!

Are we the good Samaritan? Or the robber?
Look at the image. Are we the child? Or are we the person responsible for the man being on the bench?

In other words, are we the Good Samaritan? Or the Robber?

And did you notice the image of the person on the wall?

Are we the good Samaritan? Or the robber? Read More »

Five reasons why women gossip? What about men?

Five reasons why women gossip? What about men?

The headline read: Five reasons why women gossip. I immediately thought, men gossip too! So, what about men? Why doesn’t the headline say, Five reasons why people gossip? What’s going on here? Do men and women have different reasons? Or is that men, supposedly, don’t gossip? Like, maybe there’s another name for it when it’s men? Maybe, like the image says, with men it

Five reasons why women gossip? What about men? Read More »

Doesn't everyone love their friends?

Doesn’t everyone love their friends?

Doesn’t everyone love their friends? Jesus asked, “Do not even pagans do that?”  It was supposed to show that some of the things we Christians do aren’t anything special.  That’s what “even pagans do that” was about.  But what about the times when pagans do good things that even Christians don’t do?  What kind of questions should we be asking ourselves when we’re in that situation?  

Doesn’t everyone love their friends? Read More »

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