General religion topics in China

Chinese citizens have the freedom of religious belief

Citizens have freedom of religious belief?

Citizens have freedom of religious belief.  That’s the English translation of something from China’s Religious Affairs Regulations.  But is it really true? 

Remember, China is a Communist country.  And an officially atheist one as well.  We must be forgiven if we doubt those fine-sounding words.  Especially after reading part 1 of this series. 

Remember, Article 1 of these regulations included the text, “increase the level of legalification in work on religion” as one of the stated goals for putting them into law.  How does that even make sense? 

Citizens have freedom of religious belief? Read More »

pigeon or dove - example of religious freedom in China

Religious freedom in China

To some, the idea of religious freedom in China sounds like an oxymoron.  You know – a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction.  Given that China is an officially atheist country, “religion” in China certainly isn’t what people in the so-called west expect.  Further, the concept of freedom of religion in an atheist country like China is, if it’s possible, even more of an oxymoron.

And yet …

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Chinese authorities destroy two Marian shrines

Chinese authorities destroy two Marian shrines – shocking – or expected?

Chinese authorities destroy two Marian shrines.  Some are probably shocked, since the Vatican just signed a mysterious agreement with China related to having the Communist Party in China appoint Bishops of the Catholic Church in that country.  However, if you’ve read China appoints seven Catholic Bishops – did the Pope just sell out underground churches? then you shouldn’t be surprised at all.  If anything, this was to be expected.

So Sad. Can you even imagine Paul or any of the Saints from the early church telling people to Wait for better times because the Roman Empire isn’t eternal?

Chinese authorities destroy two Marian shrines – shocking – or expected? Read More »

Does China want to rewrite the Bible?

Does China want to rewrite the Bible?

Does China want to rewrite the Bible?  Persecution watchdog organization China Aid says yes.  

To better control the growth and influence of Christianity, the Chinese government plans to incorporate Buddhist scripture and Confucian teachings into the Bible and edit worship songs to include Chinese characteristics, the head of a persecution watchdog has revealed.

If you’re a regular, you’ve seen articles here on both “government and religion” and specifically on “Chinese Religious Regulations”.  It appears that China is about to further strengthen its grip on Christianity in China.  This time, it will be by re-translating the Old Testament and re-write commentaries for the New Testament.  Details are available from The Gospel Herald.

Does China want to rewrite the Bible? Read More »

China appoints seven Catholic Bishops - did the Pope just sell out underground churches?

China appoints seven Catholic Bishops – did the Pope just sell out underground churches?

I want to close with this passage we read earlier.  It really says a lot about what’s going on when China appoints seven Catholic Bishops.

2Co 11:13 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. 15 It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.

China appoints seven Catholic Bishops – did the Pope just sell out underground churches? Read More »

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