
street sign - corner of religion and politics

Religion and Government – their impact on our salvation

Religion and Government – their impact on our salvation.  I wrote this about two and a half years ago.  It’s amazing how much things have changed in that short time.  It look at different forms of government, with different combinations of intertwining between government and religion. 

But now, here in the U.S., it’s getting really hard to tell which one we are anymore.  Less and less a democracy – and more and more a weird kind of theocracy / dictatorship combination.  It’s scary.  Not just for what its doing to our country, but also to our salvation.  Especially those who are pushing and supporting the strange and unBiblical alliances being set up here.

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People eat more meat that isn't meat

People eat more meat that isn’t meat – a decade of changes

People eat more meat that isn’t meat

Nope – it’s definitely not meat.  But is it what you thought you were getting? 

And what does meat that isn’t meat have to do with Christianity?

Actually, quite a bit.  Paul, Peter and the author of Hebrews all wrote about it.I have to say, I’m not really surprised.  So much oil, genetically modified stuff and words too long to be anything other than highly processed “things”.  

People eat more meat that isn’t meat – a decade of changes Read More »

Obsession with celebrities is strong

Obsession with celebrities is strong – a decade of changes

Obsession with celebrities is strong.  I’m not sure if this is really new or not. says it’s new in the last ten years.  I suspect what’s really new is that we have the ability to take the obsession to a whole new level.  Instead of having to wait for a news cycle like in years past, now it’s instant obsession.

thing about instant obsession is that it also increases the number of people who can now be counted as celebrities.

This obsession with celebrities thing isn’t really all that new. It goes all the way back to Biblical times.  I suppose even before that, but hey – this is a site about Christianity.

With that in mind, here’s one celebrity that people were obsessed with.

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Do not mistreat an alien or oppress him, for you were aliens ...

Do not mistreat an alien or oppress him, for you were aliens …

Do not mistreat an alien or oppress him, for you were aliens …  Christians who support Trump, this question’s for you.  Do you recognize the title line?  It’s from the Bible.  It’s in the Old Testament of the Bible you claim to live by.  

Here’s another one.  No one can serve two masters.  Do you recognize that one?  It’s also in the Bible.  The New Testament.  Maybe you’ll recognize it like this:  No one can serve two masters.  Yeah – Jesus said it.

Next question.  Do you support this: 

Among the agents being deployed to sanctuary cities are members of the elite tactical unit known as BORTAC, which acts essentially as the SWAT team of the Border Patrol. With additional gear such as stun grenades and enhanced Special Forces-type training, including sniper certification, the officers typically conduct high-risk operations targeting individuals who are known to be violent, many of them with extensive criminal records.

Seriously.  SWAT teams from Border Patrol operating inside the U.S. – far from any border.

Next question.  Do you not think that falls under the category of mistreating aliens?

Do not mistreat an alien or oppress him, for you were aliens … Read More »

Cell phone cameras have replaced portable cameras

Cell phone cameras have replaced portable cameras – a decade of changes

Cell phone cameras have replaced portable cameras – a decade of changes taking us away from God.

The details are important.  The lack of them makes your cell phone picture different from what a good quality film camera will give you.  And maybe you’re OK with that.  But the lack of details can be the difference between these two sets of gates.

Mt 7:13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

Question – are you OK with not getting enough details on how to walk the narrow path rather than the wide path?  Are you OK with walking to the devil, rather than to God?  And all because of a lack of details?

I’m not OK with that.   I pray you aren’t either.

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This is a national prayer breakfast?

This is a national prayer breakfast?

This is a national prayer breakfast?

Remember the picture at the top of the page?  The coffee cup with one whole coffee bean?  And no water?  It feels like there’s more coffee in that cup than there is Christianity coming from the mouths of all these political people.  No matter how often they say the word “God”.

So don’t just get mad at them  Or turned off by them.  Rather, turn to what Jesus actually taught.  You’ll probably find that you will actually like it.  The way it was supposed to be.

This is a national prayer breakfast? Read More »

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