
china-christianity-islam-flag indicating China's Religious Affairs Regulations Article 1

Will religious regulations in China to eliminate God be a blueprint for others to follow?

Part of the goal of the Chinese government is to water down Christianity to the point where it retains so little of Jesus’ teachings that it means nothing in terms of salvation.  In essence, they are trying to put the Chinese people into the scenario of the Church in Laodicea from Revelation. 

Will religious regulations in China to eliminate God be a blueprint for others to follow? Read More »

Should Christians vote based on where tax dollars go? Give to Caesar and give to God.

What did Jesus really say to Christians about paying taxes?

Should Christians vote based on where tax dollars go?  I know many Christians who think they do exactly that.  As in give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.  You know the issues.  Abortion.  LGBT.  Immigration – illegal immigrants, emphasis on “illegal.  These topics and many others are hot button issues for many on the so-called Christian-right.  While they may be “right, in the sense that “right” indicates conservatives / Republicans – are they “right” as in the sense of right and wrong?  We’ll get to the liberal left in a moment.

What did Jesus really say to Christians about paying taxes? Read More »

Why does it matter that we're not a Christian nation any more?

Why does it matter that we’re not a Christian nation any more?

Why does it matter that we’re not a Christian nation any more?  Maybe a better question – Does it matter that we’re not a Christian nation any more?  Forget about the why – does it even matter at all?  For those who think we still are a Christian nation, please see Americans want to read the Bible more, but don’t. That should remove any doubt that we really aren’t.  And while this is written with the U.S. in mind – it’s true for any country that used to be Christian, but no longer is. 

The passage in Malachi says, Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.”The question isn’t whether or not God will provide. No – the question is whether or not we will even bother to test God.

Why does it matter that we’re not a Christian nation any more? Read More »

the cross - where is forgiveness

Where is forgiveness? – ISIS bride’s father sues Trump administration.

The Headline:  Alabama ISIS bride’s father sues Trump administration over citizenship, seeks her return.  Trump says no.  My question for someone who claims to have done so much for Christians – where is forgiveness? Mt 6:14 “For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”Yeah – that forgiveness.

Where is forgiveness? – ISIS bride’s father sues Trump administration. Read More »

Is teaching the Bible in public schools a good idea?

Is teaching the Bible in public schools a good idea?

Is teaching the Bible in public schools a good idea?  I dare say, most non-Christians answer that question with a great bog “No!”  But what about Christians?  Do Christians think it’s a good idea for public schools to teach the Bible?  For what it’s worth, President Trump and the Supreme Court of the U.S. both say it’s at least legal.  And while the legal issues play a bog part in the discussion, that’s not my question.  My question for Christians to pray about and answer is whether or not it’s a good idea.

Is teaching the Bible in public schools a good idea? Read More »

persecution of Christians shown by stoning of wooden figure

Top 50 Countries With Persecution Of Christians

My title is “Top 50 Countries With Persecution Of Christians”.  The headline in Christianity Today was “Asia Rising: The Top 50 Countries Where It’s Hardest to Follow Jesus”.  The CT headline made me wonder, why didn’t they use the word “persecution”.  Why did they instead write “where it’s hardest to follow Jesus”?  Furthermore, did they use the word persecution anywhere in the article at all?  In fact, “persecution” appeared 64 times in a series of five articles that appeared on the web page.  All five of them had titles about “hardest”, “most dangerous”, or “most difficult” to be a Christian.  None of them used the word “persecution”.  BTW, the one article I’m focusing on contained the word “persecution” 19 times.  

Top 50 Countries With Persecution Of Christians Read More »

Satanic temple statue is one reason why separation of church and state is a good thing.

Satanic temple statue is one reason why separation of church and state is a good thing.

I mean, it’s not like the satanic temple is out there forcing anything.  They’re just taking advantage of things that Christians have pushed for!  What are we thinking?  Are we thinking?

Do we have eyes to see?  Do we have ears to hear?  Do we understand our own Scriptures?  Do we even read them?  Are we – Christians – so busy pushing our own agenda, rather than Jesus’ agenda, that we’re actually the ones bringing ourselves closer to the end?

Satanic temple statue is one reason why separation of church and state is a good thing. Read More »

Reopen mines that poison - is this what God meant by subdue the earth?

Reopen mines that poison – is this what God meant by subdue the earth?

Sadly, it’s not surprising that Donald Trump’s EPA wants to reopen a mine that’s poisoning and slowly killing people.  But here’s a whole town that’s more concerned with people knowing about what’s really going on – than to do something about it.  The people who come here for recreation are most likely clueless.  But even the people who live there – they are shamed into not even taking proper care of their children.

Reopen mines that poison – is this what God meant by subdue the earth? Read More »

Chinese authorities destroy two Marian shrines

Chinese authorities destroy two Marian shrines – shocking – or expected?

Chinese authorities destroy two Marian shrines.  Some are probably shocked, since the Vatican just signed a mysterious agreement with China related to having the Communist Party in China appoint Bishops of the Catholic Church in that country.  However, if you’ve read China appoints seven Catholic Bishops – did the Pope just sell out underground churches? then you shouldn’t be surprised at all.  If anything, this was to be expected.

So Sad. Can you even imagine Paul or any of the Saints from the early church telling people to Wait for better times because the Roman Empire isn’t eternal?

Chinese authorities destroy two Marian shrines – shocking – or expected? Read More »

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