
Should we respond to hate with more hate?

Should we respond to hate with more hate?

Should we respond to hate with more hate?  I dare say, most people know the answer to this question.  It’s generic.  It doesn’t specify what kind of hate.  So chances are, most people would say “no, we should not respond to hate with more hate”.  The problem is, in the back of our minds, there’s an “unless it’s ______”.  If we’re talking about the specific kind of hate that pushes our buttons – the answer is quite different.  Even if we don’t like to acknowledge it.

Should we respond to hate with more hate? Read More »

Freedom of religion in china. A real thing or an oxymoron?

Can the atheist government in China redefine religion?

Who gets to define religion?  Actually, the better question is – who gets to redefine religion?  Maybe even who defines “of”.  We’re looking at China in this series, but the same issues come up everywhere.  It’s all about who sets the rules.  One thing we can be sure of – it’s not God.  Not in China.  And not in my country or yours either.

Can the atheist government in China redefine religion? Read More »

Government christianity or Jesus' Christianity. Which do you want?

Government christianity or Jesus’ Christianity. Which do you want?

I’ve started several times to write something like this. But it’s never gotten very far. However, with things around the world deteriorating, maybe it’s time to try again? This time, it’s in the form of a question. Government christianity or Jesus’ Christianity. Which do you want? I know, some of you want to answer neither. But that’s not a choice. We’ll see why not in a moment.

Government christianity or Jesus’ Christianity. Which do you want? Read More »

Look to the Bible as our guide in the future

Look to the Bible as our guide in the future

Look to the Bible as our guide in the future. That’s a partial quote from one of our previous presidents. Any guesses as to who it was? Do you think he was Christian? Here are a couple clues. For decades after his death … … suffered a reputation as one of the nation’s worst presidents, consistently ranking in the bottom 10 in polls of historians.

Look to the Bible as our guide in the future Read More »

What can Christians learn from political parties?

What can Christians learn from political parties?

As I said, Christians can learn a lot from political parties. Oftentimes, maybe what to do, but certainly not the way to do them.

After all, it doesn’t matter if Christians are taking a “Biblical” approach to an issue. And yes, I put “Biblical” in quotes for a reason. It’s because when our solution is to go to the government, and / or to act in a way that isn’t loving – it’s also not truly Biblical.

We turn people off. They reject our solutions. But even worse, they reject Jesus’ offer of salvation because we failed to act in a manner consistent with what Jesus taught.

What can Christians learn from political parties? Read More »

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