
baby - Reopening Schools - How Little Is A Life Worth?

Reopening Schools – How Little Is A Life Worth?

How little is a life worth?  Donald Trump, U.S. President, is trying to force schools to open in the fall.  This is in spite of the increasing number of people being infected with the Coronavirus.  And while one can maybe argue that the number of positive cases is due to testing, it’s impossible to say testing is responsible for the corresponding increases in hospitalizations and ICU beds with COVID-19 afflicted people.  And I dare say, with the increasing number of people that will be dying in the next week or so because of all those other increases. 

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Why the Universe Exists

The Discovery That Could Have Predicted Why the Universe Exists

The Discovery That Could Have Predicted Why the Universe Exists is the headline.  The first comment at the time I read the article: Could there be an optical/mental illusion that we might be missing from these experiments? That comment is, accidentally or otherwise, right on target.

The Standard Model can’t possibly be right.  But that same person says they have strengthened the Standard Model?  And it excludes other models?  Seriously.

The Discovery That Could Have Predicted Why the Universe Exists Read More »

Is Darwinism really about racism and misogyny?

Is Darwinism really about racism and misogyny?

Have we really sunk so low that we believe all that nonsense about favoured races and gender inequality?  Have we never spent any time with someone of another race?  I’m in the minority where I live.  And I think it’s awesome that I get to know so many people from so many different parts of the world.

The same is true for the gender based questions.  Do we really want those things taught to kids?  Do we want boys to grow up thinking that the girls are inferior?  And do we want the girls to grow up learning that they will always be second-class – behind the guys?

Is Darwinism really about racism and misogyny? Read More »

Is quantum computing the new Tower of Babel?

Is quantum computing the new Tower of Babel?

Is Quantum computing the new Tower of Babel?  Don’t worry if you’re not sure what a quantum computer is.  Even if you know nothing about quantum computers, this is an interesting question.  I’ll even give you the answer tight up front.  It’s no.  And it’s yes.  No and yes at the same time.  Which, not coincidentally, is a big part of what quantum computers are about.  Up until quantum computing, everything about computers was based on something being on or off.  True or False.  One or zero.  Now – with the wonderful world of quantum computing, it can be yes, no, and maybe – all at the same time.  

Is quantum computing the new Tower of Babel? Read More »

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