
street sign - corner of religion and politics

Religion and Government – their impact on our salvation

Religion and Government – their impact on our salvation.  I wrote this about two and a half years ago.  It’s amazing how much things have changed in that short time.  It look at different forms of government, with different combinations of intertwining between government and religion. 

But now, here in the U.S., it’s getting really hard to tell which one we are anymore.  Less and less a democracy – and more and more a weird kind of theocracy / dictatorship combination.  It’s scary.  Not just for what its doing to our country, but also to our salvation.  Especially those who are pushing and supporting the strange and unBiblical alliances being set up here.

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china-christianity-islam-flag indicating China's Religious Affairs Regulations Article 1

Will religious regulations in China to eliminate God be a blueprint for others to follow?

Part of the goal of the Chinese government is to water down Christianity to the point where it retains so little of Jesus’ teachings that it means nothing in terms of salvation.  In essence, they are trying to put the Chinese people into the scenario of the Church in Laodicea from Revelation. 

Will religious regulations in China to eliminate God be a blueprint for others to follow? Read More »

Some questions for Christians on immigrants

Some questions for Christians on immigrants

I have some questions for Christians on immigrants.  What are your feelings towards and about immigrants?  Doesn’t matter if they’re legal or illegal immigrants.  By the way, in the Bible, they were called aliens.  There was nothing about legal or illegal.  Is your view Biblical?  Or is it the one put forth by our President?  I have to ask because, well, it can’t be both.  It’s one or the other. And you know what Jesus said about things that came down to one of two choices.

Some questions for Christians on immigrants Read More »

World's greatest teachers - Seven masters - one path

World’s greatest teachers. Seven masters – one path?

World’s greatest teachers.  Seven masters.  One path.  That’s amazing. The seven greatest teachers in the world all supposedly teaching the same thing.  All leading down the same path.  Awesome.  Unbelievable.  Well, actually, it really is unbelievable.  Maybe because it’s not true?

Yeah – Seven Masters, One Path.  It’s the title of a book that I got an email about today.

Interestingly, and I believe not by coincidence, I got another email today that was about one of those seven great teachers.  Well, actually, it was about all seven of them.

World’s greatest teachers. Seven masters – one path? Read More »

Chinese authorities destroy two Marian shrines

Chinese authorities destroy two Marian shrines – shocking – or expected?

Chinese authorities destroy two Marian shrines.  Some are probably shocked, since the Vatican just signed a mysterious agreement with China related to having the Communist Party in China appoint Bishops of the Catholic Church in that country.  However, if you’ve read China appoints seven Catholic Bishops – did the Pope just sell out underground churches? then you shouldn’t be surprised at all.  If anything, this was to be expected.

So Sad. Can you even imagine Paul or any of the Saints from the early church telling people to Wait for better times because the Roman Empire isn’t eternal?

Chinese authorities destroy two Marian shrines – shocking – or expected? Read More »

We can lie to ourselves and each other, but not to God

We can lie to ourselves and each other, but not to God

We can lie to ourselves and each other, but not to God.  As hard as we try, and no matter how much we may convince ourselves of success, we cannot lie to God.  I just read something from – Ministers interrupt Sessions, are removed from religious freedom conference.  I wish I could say I was shocked by it.  Unfortunately, this kind of thing is happening all too often.  And judging by the reaction of the first comment, people actually go for this stuff.  I’d include the comment, but I’d have to bleep it.

We can lie to ourselves and each other, but not to God Read More »

Submission in Christianity and Islam

Christianity and Islam both view submission as important.  This begs the question, do both religions have the same definition of submission?  Furthermore, do either, or both, of them use the same definition as the secular use of the word?  It’s important to know.  Otherwise, it’s like talking about fruit – but one person is talking about oranges and the other is talking about Japanese star anise.  The orange is good for our health, flavorful, and can be eaten raw or cooked.  However, the Japanese star anise (image below) fruit is highly toxic and its seeds are even used in animal poison. 

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The Great Commission and The End Times - the end and the beginning?

The Great Commission and The End Times

The Great Commission and The End Times – Is the completion of one the beginning of the other? When the Great Commission has been fulfilled, will The End Times begin?  Are we actually working to bring about the events in Revelation when we spread the Gospel?  In a sense, even without tying the two together, every second that passes by is bringing us one second closer to The End Times.  It’s just a fact of time.  The question is one of whether there’s a Biblical link between the two.  

Let’s look at some passages and find out.
But first, before everyone gets too freaked out over the end, let’s look at the image I chose for this article.

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