Pope Francis signs peace declaration on ‘Human Fraternity’ with Grand Imam

Pope Francis signs peace declaration on ‘Human Fraternity’ with Grand Imam

Pope Francis signs peace declaration on ‘Human Fraternity’ with Grand Imam.  Really.  The Pope and a Grand Imam.  Agreeing on the “Human” Fraternity”.  At first glance, this is shocking.  On second glance, after reading the article from The Catholic Herald, it’s still shocking.  After reading comments from North Catholic Texas, on third glance, it’s still shocking.

Now, it’s time to really look into exactly what’s going on here. 

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Is teaching the Bible in public schools a good idea?

Is teaching the Bible in public schools a good idea?

Is teaching the Bible in public schools a good idea?  I dare say, most non-Christians answer that question with a great bog “No!”  But what about Christians?  Do Christians think it’s a good idea for public schools to teach the Bible?  For what it’s worth, President Trump and the Supreme Court of the U.S. both say it’s at least legal.  And while the legal issues play a bog part in the discussion, that’s not my question.  My question for Christians to pray about and answer is whether or not it’s a good idea.

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persecution of Christians shown by stoning of wooden figure

Top 50 Countries With Persecution Of Christians

My title is “Top 50 Countries With Persecution Of Christians”.  The headline in Christianity Today was “Asia Rising: The Top 50 Countries Where It’s Hardest to Follow Jesus”.  The CT headline made me wonder, why didn’t they use the word “persecution”.  Why did they instead write “where it’s hardest to follow Jesus”?  Furthermore, did they use the word persecution anywhere in the article at all?  In fact, “persecution” appeared 64 times in a series of five articles that appeared on the web page.  All five of them had titles about “hardest”, “most dangerous”, or “most difficult” to be a Christian.  None of them used the word “persecution”.  BTW, the one article I’m focusing on contained the word “persecution” 19 times.  

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