
World's greatest teachers - Seven masters - one path

World’s greatest teachers. Seven masters – one path?

World’s greatest teachers.  Seven masters.  One path.  That’s amazing. The seven greatest teachers in the world all supposedly teaching the same thing.  All leading down the same path.  Awesome.  Unbelievable.  Well, actually, it really is unbelievable.  Maybe because it’s not true?

Yeah – Seven Masters, One Path.  It’s the title of a book that I got an email about today.

Interestingly, and I believe not by coincidence, I got another email today that was about one of those seven great teachers.  Well, actually, it was about all seven of them.

World’s greatest teachers. Seven masters – one path? Read More »

Reopen mines that poison - is this what God meant by subdue the earth?

Reopen mines that poison – is this what God meant by subdue the earth?

Sadly, it’s not surprising that Donald Trump’s EPA wants to reopen a mine that’s poisoning and slowly killing people.  But here’s a whole town that’s more concerned with people knowing about what’s really going on – than to do something about it.  The people who come here for recreation are most likely clueless.  But even the people who live there – they are shamed into not even taking proper care of their children.

Reopen mines that poison – is this what God meant by subdue the earth? Read More »

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