
Which god will win the election?

Which god will win the election in the U.S.?  The god of power?  Maybe the god of greed?  How about the god of white power?  Or the god of me first?  What about the chance for the god of caring about other people?  Have you noticed, there’s really only two choices there?  I’m not even going to say it’s between Republicans and Democrats.  It’s between Trump and Biden.  Or is that between Trump and not Trump?

Notice that I didn’t capitalize god either.  Because it’s not directly about God.  Both sides want us to believe they have God on their side.  But then, it’s really more about wanting us to believe that, rather than either party being particularly Godly.  However, one does appear to more more god-like, in the same way Roman emperors were gods.

Because of these things, and more, the question of which god will win the election is very real.

Which god will win the election? Read More »

What is the conservative Christian view of DACA?

What is the conservative Christian view of DACA?

What is the conservative Christian view of DACA?  DACA is the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.  I don’t mean conservative Christians as a group.  I mean each and every individual who considers themselves Christian, especially the conservatives.  What is your stance?  And, how do you feel about the leaders you support – both politically and within your church organization?  

What is the conservative Christian view of DACA? Read More »

Some questions for Christians on immigrants

Some questions for Christians on immigrants

I have some questions for Christians on immigrants.  What are your feelings towards and about immigrants?  Doesn’t matter if they’re legal or illegal immigrants.  By the way, in the Bible, they were called aliens.  There was nothing about legal or illegal.  Is your view Biblical?  Or is it the one put forth by our President?  I have to ask because, well, it can’t be both.  It’s one or the other. And you know what Jesus said about things that came down to one of two choices.

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