greatest commandment

Christians - are you afraid of politicians?

Christians – are you afraid of politicians?

Christians – are you afraid of politicians?  Donald Trump seems to think you are.  Or at least hope you are.  But really, the question is deeper than that.

But first, let’s get into why the question even comes up.  It’s because of an article from Politico, titled‘Dangerous levels of contempt’: Trump deploys a convention to attack Dems on religion.  A short excerpt will shed light on what’s happening.

Christians – are you afraid of politicians? Read More »

Will we ever love people like we love money?

Will we ever love people like we love money?

Will we ever love people like we love money?  Lots of people like to talk about loving, or at least caring about people.  Few like to talk about how much they love money.  But the old saying is true – actions speak louder than words.  And our actions say we love money a whole lot more than we love people.  And so it seems, we love the god of money way more than we love the God of the Bible.

The impetus for writing this is a recent article on  It’s titled, Tyson Foods is ramping up development of robots that can cut meat in response to coronavirus outbreaks in meatpacking plants.  Do you see the problem?  It starts just with the title.

Not to worry though.  There’s plenty more.

Will we ever love people like we love money? Read More »

What is the conservative Christian view of DACA?

What is the conservative Christian view of DACA?

What is the conservative Christian view of DACA?  DACA is the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.  I don’t mean conservative Christians as a group.  I mean each and every individual who considers themselves Christian, especially the conservatives.  What is your stance?  And, how do you feel about the leaders you support – both politically and within your church organization?  

What is the conservative Christian view of DACA? Read More »

People don’t memorize anything

People don’t memorize anything – a decade of changes

People don’t memorize anything anymore. But ultimately, not memorizing anything is a bad way to live life.  Some things are just too important to not memorize.  Because of the cost of remembering them wrong, or looking them up in the wrong place, is just too high.

No one who wants to be Christian should go through life without memorizing certain things.  Things Jesus taught.  Because the one thing we don’t want to hear is Jesus saying, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!

People don’t memorize anything – a decade of changes Read More »

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