The Cost of Following Jesus - Matthew and Luke

How do religion and society fit together?

How do religion, society and the government fit together?

How do religion and society fit together? Should religion and society fit together? And if those weren’t already tough enough questions, who gets to decide the answers? Religious leaders? Social activists? The government? But hang on a minute. Just when it seems like it can’t possibly get worse, it does. What if religion, everything related to society in general, and the government are all controlled by the same people?

Do you think that’s impossible? It’s not. It’s happening. Right now. In China, they’re well on their way to making it happen. The Communist Party is continuing to strengthen its hold on pretty much everything about official religion and Chinese society. Here in the U.S., many would like it to happen. Who exactly will be in control isn’t officially decided yet. But it appears that the government is winning, with Christians bowing down to the President.

How do religion, society and the government fit together? Read More »

Will we ever love people like we love money?

Will we ever love people like we love money?

Will we ever love people like we love money?  Lots of people like to talk about loving, or at least caring about people.  Few like to talk about how much they love money.  But the old saying is true – actions speak louder than words.  And our actions say we love money a whole lot more than we love people.  And so it seems, we love the god of money way more than we love the God of the Bible.

The impetus for writing this is a recent article on  It’s titled, Tyson Foods is ramping up development of robots that can cut meat in response to coronavirus outbreaks in meatpacking plants.  Do you see the problem?  It starts just with the title.

Not to worry though.  There’s plenty more.

Will we ever love people like we love money? Read More »

Why are you not burying him?

Why are you not burying him? Let the dead bury the dead!

Let the dead bury the dead.
Remember where we all came from.  Maybe not to the extent Trump is, but we all came from a life where anger and hatred were the norm.  Do we really want to go back there, now that we’ve learned about God’s kind of love?  Is it really worth potentially giving up our inheritance from God just to get this kind of person elected?  I don’t have children, but do you really want your children to have to grow up in a world where uncontrolled hatred and anger are the norm?

Why are you not burying him? Let the dead bury the dead! Read More »

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