
New Testament Book # 02 – Mark

Similarities between Renewable Energy and Christianity in America's culture wars?

Similarities between Renewable Energy and Christianity in America’s culture wars?

Similarities between Renewable Energy and Christianity in America’s culture wars? Say What? Renewable energy and Christianity? Did I catch your attention with that? It’s more than getting attention though. I was really struck by some of the culture war issues that renewable energy and Christianity do have in common.

Similarities between Renewable Energy and Christianity in America’s culture wars? Read More »

Five reasons why women gossip? What about men?

Five reasons why women gossip? What about men?

The headline read: Five reasons why women gossip. I immediately thought, men gossip too! So, what about men? Why doesn’t the headline say, Five reasons why people gossip? What’s going on here? Do men and women have different reasons? Or is that men, supposedly, don’t gossip? Like, maybe there’s another name for it when it’s men? Maybe, like the image says, with men it

Five reasons why women gossip? What about men? Read More »

Never again will I destroy all living creatures.

Never again will I destroy all living creatures. Until …

Never again will I destroy all living creatures. That’s what God said. You know, back in Genesis, the first book in the Bible. Of course, that means He did destroy all living creatures once. However, let’s not forget what happens in Revelation, the last book in the Bible. God won’t destroy all living creatures. That doesn’t mean destruction isn’t coming though. Further, it says nothing of the earth itself. Is it time? Have we grieved God to the point where He’s finally going to end this fallen creation?

Never again will I destroy all living creatures. Until … Read More »

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