China and America try to redefine Christianity

China and America try to redefine Christianity

People have freedom of religious beliefs unless …

People have freedom of religious beliefs unless …

You're told you have freedom of religious beliefs. But then you're also told the government will make sure there's harmony between all the religions and ...
China and America try to redefine Christianity
How Chinese religious affairs regulations general provisions compare with America?

How Chinese religious affairs regulations general provisions compare with America

How do Chinese religious affairs regulations general provisions compare with America? The track is different, but the goal of both is to redefine Christianity ...
China and America try to redefine Christianity
What is religious freedom supposed to mean in China and America? Not like a pigeon,

What is religious freedom supposed to mean in China and America?

What is religious freedom supposed to mean in China and America? We have to start off with what freedom is "supposed" to mean. But even ...
China and America try to redefine Christianity
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