
New Testament Book # 04 – John

Does the Bible make white people feel bad about racism?

Does the Bible make white people feel bad about racism?

The Vanity Fair headline reads: Florida advances bill that would ban making white people feel bad about racism. It immediately brought something to mind. Do they know that Jesus wasn’t white? In fact, Jesus was, gasp, Middle Eastern. And do they know what the Bible says about foreigners and aliens? Oh yeah, do they also know that white people would have been aliens in many parts of the known world in Biblical times? Does that mean Florida will ban the Bible?

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What is the source of knowledge? True knowledge?

What is the source of knowledge? True knowledge?

What is the source of knowledge? And I mean of true knowledge? Not just information. Not someone’s version of “their truth” or what someone else “knows”. But real, honest-to-goodness true knowledge. Remember when that used to exist? It hasn’t gone away. And it won’t go away, no matter how much we try to ignore it. But in today’s world of information overload, how can we find real true knowledge?

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Never again will I destroy all living creatures.

Never again will I destroy all living creatures. Until …

Never again will I destroy all living creatures. That’s what God said. You know, back in Genesis, the first book in the Bible. Of course, that means He did destroy all living creatures once. However, let’s not forget what happens in Revelation, the last book in the Bible. God won’t destroy all living creatures. That doesn’t mean destruction isn’t coming though. Further, it says nothing of the earth itself. Is it time? Have we grieved God to the point where He’s finally going to end this fallen creation?

Never again will I destroy all living creatures. Until … Read More »

Mars Perseverance Rover - dare mightier things

Mars Perseverance Rover – dare mightier things

I just watched the landing of NASA’s Perseverance on BBC. An amazing accomplishment. Katty and Christian were all excited about it. Everyone they interviewed was celebrating and grinning from ear to ear. As I was watching the people in NASA’s control room, I couldn’t help but notice some words on the wall: Dare Mighty Things. But when all was said and done, I couldn’t help but wonder – why not Dare Mightier Things?

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Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. That’s from Proverbs. However, it still applies to Christians today. We may not want to acknowledge it, but, Jesus did say, Mt 5:18 I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Therefore, we need to speak up when a black person holding a cell phone is viewed as a danger by law enforcement, but a white person holding a spear isn’t!

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How do religion and society fit together?

How do religion, society and the government fit together?

How do religion and society fit together? Should religion and society fit together? And if those weren’t already tough enough questions, who gets to decide the answers? Religious leaders? Social activists? The government? But hang on a minute. Just when it seems like it can’t possibly get worse, it does. What if religion, everything related to society in general, and the government are all controlled by the same people?

Do you think that’s impossible? It’s not. It’s happening. Right now. In China, they’re well on their way to making it happen. The Communist Party is continuing to strengthen its hold on pretty much everything about official religion and Chinese society. Here in the U.S., many would like it to happen. Who exactly will be in control isn’t officially decided yet. But it appears that the government is winning, with Christians bowing down to the President.

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Would you make a deal with the devil if he promised to promote Christianity?

Would you make a deal with the devil if he promised to promote Christianity?

Would you make a deal with the devil if he promised to promote Christianity?  The answer’s obvious, right?  Wrong!  It seems to me there are two answers right now.  Most, hopefully, say “No way!”  Sadly though, I believe many are pretty much doing that right now.  It’s a sobering view of Christianity in the U.S. right now.  It’s very sad.  Scary even.

I dare say, anyone who even claims to be Christian says no to that question.  My concern though is that we don’t all examine what we’re doing through lens of the Bible.  What Jesus taught.  The examples He gave us both through His own life and through His words.  Not do we always pay attention to the letter written in the New Testament by Paul, James, Peter, Etc.  If we did, I think we’d be shocked.  Dismayed by what we’ve been doing.

Would you make a deal with the devil if he promised to promote Christianity? Read More »

Chinese citizens have the freedom of religious belief

Citizens have freedom of religious belief?

Citizens have freedom of religious belief.  That’s the English translation of something from China’s Religious Affairs Regulations.  But is it really true? 

Remember, China is a Communist country.  And an officially atheist one as well.  We must be forgiven if we doubt those fine-sounding words.  Especially after reading part 1 of this series. 

Remember, Article 1 of these regulations included the text, “increase the level of legalification in work on religion” as one of the stated goals for putting them into law.  How does that even make sense? 

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pigeon or dove - example of religious freedom in China

Religious freedom in China

To some, the idea of religious freedom in China sounds like an oxymoron.  You know – a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction.  Given that China is an officially atheist country, “religion” in China certainly isn’t what people in the so-called west expect.  Further, the concept of freedom of religion in an atheist country like China is, if it’s possible, even more of an oxymoron.

And yet …

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