
Old Testament Book # 01 – Genesis

Never again will I destroy all living creatures.

Never again will I destroy all living creatures. Until …

Never again will I destroy all living creatures. That’s what God said. You know, back in Genesis, the first book in the Bible. Of course, that means He did destroy all living creatures once. However, let’s not forget what happens in Revelation, the last book in the Bible. God won’t destroy all living creatures. That doesn’t mean destruction isn’t coming though. Further, it says nothing of the earth itself. Is it time? Have we grieved God to the point where He’s finally going to end this fallen creation?

Never again will I destroy all living creatures. Until … Read More »

Is the earth intelligent, or is this something else?

Is the earth intelligent, or is this something else?

A group of researchers have posed a fascinating — and downright mind bending — thought experiment: If a planet like Earth can be “alive,” can it also have a mind of its own? So – Is the earth intelligent, or is this something else? Maybe we should ask, how can there be an intelligent earth? For that matter, who says the earth is even alive? Or have we changed the meaning of alive?

Is the earth intelligent, or is this something else? Read More »

Mars Perseverance Rover - dare mightier things

Mars Perseverance Rover – dare mightier things

I just watched the landing of NASA’s Perseverance on BBC. An amazing accomplishment. Katty and Christian were all excited about it. Everyone they interviewed was celebrating and grinning from ear to ear. As I was watching the people in NASA’s control room, I couldn’t help but notice some words on the wall: Dare Mighty Things. But when all was said and done, I couldn’t help but wonder – why not Dare Mightier Things?

Mars Perseverance Rover – dare mightier things Read More »

Christians - how do you treat women?

Christians – how do you treat women?

Christians – how do you treat women?  I don’t address this just to men, but to women as well.  We often say the “right things”.  But when it comes right down to it, do we do what we say?  Or do we live by the old adage, “Do as I say, not as I do”?  There are so many reasons to ask this question.  But the thing that has me asking today is two things I read in the news. 

Both have to do with our President.  It seems when Trump open a hand to offer an olive branch, he just can’t help using that hand to slap someone.  In this case, Susan B. Anthony was the olive branch.  The slap was to Michelle Obama and, oddly enough, Susan B. Anthony.

And so, the question has to do with whether or not we live up to what we claim to believe.  Do we find that kind of behavior acceptable?  Is it even normal?  And if we agree it’s not, why does it still seem to be acceptable for this president?  What kind of precedent does he set and what kind of message do we send when we silently support it?

Christians – how do you treat women? Read More »

Is this a bit of Hell on earth?

Is this a bit of Hell on earth?

But somehow, like the serpent convincing Adam and Eve they wouldn’t die, Trump continues to convince too many Christians that he’s good for us.  However, I can’t help but wonder, is he telling us that if we follow him, we won’t surely die?  And as I show in The Problem of Free Will, the Hebrew says “die die”.  As in die physically, and die spiritually.  Depart from this earth.  Go to Hell.

Is this a bit of Hell on earth? Read More »

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