March 2022

Does Christianity really say wives submit to your husbands?

Does Christianity really say wives submit to your husbands?

Does Christianity really say wives submit to your husbands? Well, that depends. The English words say that. Unless we take the time to read the rest of the sentence in which they occur. If we turn to the spirit of the words, no, it doesn’t necessarily say that at all. I ask because I was going to write about something totally different today. That is, until I read the headline – Grace Community Church Leaders under Fire for ‘Excommunicating’ Wife Who Refused to Stay with Abusive Husband. That is, in a word, disgusting! And it’s a misuse of the verse in question. So, in another word, it’s wrong.

Does Christianity really say wives submit to your husbands? Read More »

What is the source of knowledge? True knowledge?

What is the source of knowledge? True knowledge?

What is the source of knowledge? And I mean of true knowledge? Not just information. Not someone’s version of “their truth” or what someone else “knows”. But real, honest-to-goodness true knowledge. Remember when that used to exist? It hasn’t gone away. And it won’t go away, no matter how much we try to ignore it. But in today’s world of information overload, how can we find real true knowledge?

What is the source of knowledge? True knowledge? Read More »

Never again will I destroy all living creatures.

Never again will I destroy all living creatures. Until …

Never again will I destroy all living creatures. That’s what God said. You know, back in Genesis, the first book in the Bible. Of course, that means He did destroy all living creatures once. However, let’s not forget what happens in Revelation, the last book in the Bible. God won’t destroy all living creatures. That doesn’t mean destruction isn’t coming though. Further, it says nothing of the earth itself. Is it time? Have we grieved God to the point where He’s finally going to end this fallen creation?

Never again will I destroy all living creatures. Until … Read More »

Is the earth intelligent, or is this something else?

Is the earth intelligent, or is this something else?

A group of researchers have posed a fascinating — and downright mind bending — thought experiment: If a planet like Earth can be “alive,” can it also have a mind of its own? So – Is the earth intelligent, or is this something else? Maybe we should ask, how can there be an intelligent earth? For that matter, who says the earth is even alive? Or have we changed the meaning of alive?

Is the earth intelligent, or is this something else? Read More »

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