December 2018

Satanic temple statue is one reason why separation of church and state is a good thing.

Satanic temple statue is one reason why separation of church and state is a good thing.

I mean, it’s not like the satanic temple is out there forcing anything.  They’re just taking advantage of things that Christians have pushed for!  What are we thinking?  Are we thinking?

Do we have eyes to see?  Do we have ears to hear?  Do we understand our own Scriptures?  Do we even read them?  Are we – Christians – so busy pushing our own agenda, rather than Jesus’ agenda, that we’re actually the ones bringing ourselves closer to the end?

Satanic temple statue is one reason why separation of church and state is a good thing. Read More »

World's greatest teachers - Seven masters - one path

World’s greatest teachers. Seven masters – one path?

World’s greatest teachers.  Seven masters.  One path.  That’s amazing. The seven greatest teachers in the world all supposedly teaching the same thing.  All leading down the same path.  Awesome.  Unbelievable.  Well, actually, it really is unbelievable.  Maybe because it’s not true?

Yeah – Seven Masters, One Path.  It’s the title of a book that I got an email about today.

Interestingly, and I believe not by coincidence, I got another email today that was about one of those seven great teachers.  Well, actually, it was about all seven of them.

World’s greatest teachers. Seven masters – one path? Read More »

Why the Universe Exists

The Discovery That Could Have Predicted Why the Universe Exists

The Discovery That Could Have Predicted Why the Universe Exists is the headline.  The first comment at the time I read the article: Could there be an optical/mental illusion that we might be missing from these experiments? That comment is, accidentally or otherwise, right on target.

The Standard Model can’t possibly be right.  But that same person says they have strengthened the Standard Model?  And it excludes other models?  Seriously.

The Discovery That Could Have Predicted Why the Universe Exists Read More »

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