
Orphans and Widows in Christianity and Islam

Orphans and Widows in Christianity and Islam – Part 1

I was just reading an article that made me think about the differences in teachings related to orphans and widows in Christianity and Islam.  Both books talk about widows and orphans.  No real surprise there.  But the things they have to say are very different.  That should not have been a surprise, but it was.  At least, it was more of a surprise than I expected.  When we hear about something, like the Qur’an and Islam – and also read the actual Qur’an – it can be hard to remember what the actual book says versus what people claim about the book.  The same is true for anything.  We really need to pay attention to what’s real and what’s opinion.

Orphans and Widows in Christianity and Islam – Part 1 Read More »

Submission in Christianity and Islam

Christianity and Islam both view submission as important.  This begs the question, do both religions have the same definition of submission?  Furthermore, do either, or both, of them use the same definition as the secular use of the word?  It’s important to know.  Otherwise, it’s like talking about fruit – but one person is talking about oranges and the other is talking about Japanese star anise.  The orange is good for our health, flavorful, and can be eaten raw or cooked.  However, the Japanese star anise (image below) fruit is highly toxic and its seeds are even used in animal poison. 

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such a time as this

The Spirit of God says, ‘I have chosen this man, Donald Trump, for such a time as this.’ ???

Such a time as this.
A time when “meant for people like her” still means a black person isn’t welcome in any given church she wants to attend. 
A time when someone doesn’t go to church because they don’t feel welcome.  
A time when Satan wins because too many Christians follow his lies instead of God’s truth.

The Spirit of God says, ‘I have chosen this man, Donald Trump, for such a time as this.’ ??? Read More »

The Great Commission and The End Times - the end and the beginning?

The Great Commission and The End Times

The Great Commission and The End Times – Is the completion of one the beginning of the other? When the Great Commission has been fulfilled, will The End Times begin?  Are we actually working to bring about the events in Revelation when we spread the Gospel?  In a sense, even without tying the two together, every second that passes by is bringing us one second closer to The End Times.  It’s just a fact of time.  The question is one of whether there’s a Biblical link between the two.  

Let’s look at some passages and find out.
But first, before everyone gets too freaked out over the end, let’s look at the image I chose for this article.

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Creation in the Bible and the Qur'an

Creation in the Bible and the Qur’an

The story of creation in the Bible and the Qur’an are the same, right?  
They ought to be.  We’re told so often that Christians and Muslims believe in the same God.  If that’s true, how could they possibly be different from each other?  I mean – creation is creation.  So “Christian creation” has to line up with “Muslim creation”.  
So, how come they don’t?  Why are they different?

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