
Should Christians be concerned about healthcare for the poor?

Should Christians be concerned about healthcare for the poor?

Should Christians be concerned about healthcare for the poor?  Of course, the answer is yes.  Isn’t it?  In theory, it’s hard to argue against the idea.  However, in practice, it’s apparently very easy to just ignore it.  Does that sound familiar?  If you’re Christian, it should resonate, loud and clear.  Even if you’re not Christian, chances are you know something about “the good Samaritan”.  Even if you don’t know where it came from, that concept is known by all sorts of people.

So let’s look at the question of healthcare for the poor in that light.  We’ll see what Jesus says on the topic.  After all, Jesus was the One who first put forth the idea of the good Samaritan.  And then we’ll see what happens today.  How we went from what Jesus taught, to a scenario where that’s pretty much impossible for all but the extremely wealthy people in the world, and how too many Christians have done the unneighborly thing by, well, by doing what we do.  We’ll look at that in a moment.

Should Christians be concerned about healthcare for the poor? Read More »

Is the Hong Kong Security Law the end of Christianity in Hong Kong?

Is the Hong Kong Security Law the end of Christianity in Hong Kong?

Are we at the beginning of the end of Christianity in Hong Kong? A while back, I started to write about new religious regulations in China. Mainland China, with the atheist Communist government. But it got side-tracked by everything else going on in the world and here in the U.S. However, I think it’s time to not only bring it back, but to emphasize it even more. The new Hong Kong Security Law makes it imperative.

When I began to write about the Chinese religious regulations, I pointed out that they are essentially a blueprint for other countries to follow. Well, China may very well be following them, although in a somewhat hidden fashion, with the Hong Kong Security Law. Given the “one world religion” foretold in the Bible, I expect this kind of thing to spread literally world-wide. That’s why it’s so important for us – Christians – to understand.

Is the Hong Kong Security Law the end of Christianity in Hong Kong? Read More »

when churches will open

Don’t be misled. Trump shouldn’t decide when churches will open.

Trump shouldn’t decide when churches open!  You may have seen the headline from CNBC, or something like it: Trump slams governors, demands they open houses of worship ‘right now’.  But you know what?  It’s not up to the governors to decide when churches open either.  I’ve often argued that separation of church and state – if done correctly – is a good thing.  The government should not dictate religion.  If we learned anything from history, it should have been that many people came to “the new world” – eventually much of it to become the U.S. – to avoid the royal version of religion back in Europe.  But we haven’t really learned much, have we?

Don’t be misled. Trump shouldn’t decide when churches will open. Read More »

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