
Politicians tell us to pray. But to who?

Politicians tell us to pray. But to who?

Politicians tell us to pray. It was a classic headline.  At least at the beginning.  Top lawmakers call for prayer.  It’s not unusual.  Politicians praying or telling us to pray.  But then there’s the rest of the headline.  Top lawmakers call for prayer, unity after Iran launches missile attack against US forces in Iraq.  That begs the question – Pray to who?

Many Americans pray, as do many people around the world.  But again, pray to who?  Maybe especially in this case, it’s a huge question.

Politicians tell us to pray. But to who? Read More »

World's greatest teachers - Seven masters - one path

World’s greatest teachers. Seven masters – one path?

World’s greatest teachers.  Seven masters.  One path.  That’s amazing. The seven greatest teachers in the world all supposedly teaching the same thing.  All leading down the same path.  Awesome.  Unbelievable.  Well, actually, it really is unbelievable.  Maybe because it’s not true?

Yeah – Seven Masters, One Path.  It’s the title of a book that I got an email about today.

Interestingly, and I believe not by coincidence, I got another email today that was about one of those seven great teachers.  Well, actually, it was about all seven of them.

World’s greatest teachers. Seven masters – one path? Read More »

Orphans and Widows in Christianity and Islam

Orphans and Widows in Christianity and Islam – Part 1

I was just reading an article that made me think about the differences in teachings related to orphans and widows in Christianity and Islam.  Both books talk about widows and orphans.  No real surprise there.  But the things they have to say are very different.  That should not have been a surprise, but it was.  At least, it was more of a surprise than I expected.  When we hear about something, like the Qur’an and Islam – and also read the actual Qur’an – it can be hard to remember what the actual book says versus what people claim about the book.  The same is true for anything.  We really need to pay attention to what’s real and what’s opinion.

Orphans and Widows in Christianity and Islam – Part 1 Read More »

Submission in Christianity and Islam

Christianity and Islam both view submission as important.  This begs the question, do both religions have the same definition of submission?  Furthermore, do either, or both, of them use the same definition as the secular use of the word?  It’s important to know.  Otherwise, it’s like talking about fruit – but one person is talking about oranges and the other is talking about Japanese star anise.  The orange is good for our health, flavorful, and can be eaten raw or cooked.  However, the Japanese star anise (image below) fruit is highly toxic and its seeds are even used in animal poison. 

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