The Calling of Matthew

a man sitting in a large nad, with a dark and cloudy background to show - When will Christians learn being raised up by God isn't always good?

When will Christians learn being raised up by God isn’t always good?

We have yet another Evangelical Republican claiming that their people are being raised up by God. Of course, they feel this is a good thing. The problem is, the Bible shows many instances where people are raised up by God to teach His people a lesson. When will Christians learn the reality of their claims that God is “on their side”? The reality is that God is on God’s side.

When will Christians learn being raised up by God isn’t always good? Read More »

my body my choice - or - your body my choice

My body my choice. Is it just a way to avoid being responsible?

My body my choice! It feels like it’s being used for lots of things these days. Not getting vaccinated. And by extension, not vaccinating kids. Getting an abortion. And by extension, in a similar manner, not having kids. Of course, there are arguments made on both sides of both issues. We’ll look at both. However, I want to add another dimension. Christianity. Why? Because it makes things much more clear. And, by extension, much more volatile.

My body my choice. Is it just a way to avoid being responsible? Read More »

Five reasons why women gossip? What about men?

Five reasons why women gossip? What about men?

The headline read: Five reasons why women gossip. I immediately thought, men gossip too! So, what about men? Why doesn’t the headline say, Five reasons why people gossip? What’s going on here? Do men and women have different reasons? Or is that men, supposedly, don’t gossip? Like, maybe there’s another name for it when it’s men? Maybe, like the image says, with men it

Five reasons why women gossip? What about men? Read More »

Does Christianity really say wives submit to your husbands?

Does Christianity really say wives submit to your husbands?

Does Christianity really say wives submit to your husbands? Well, that depends. The English words say that. Unless we take the time to read the rest of the sentence in which they occur. If we turn to the spirit of the words, no, it doesn’t necessarily say that at all. I ask because I was going to write about something totally different today. That is, until I read the headline – Grace Community Church Leaders under Fire for ‘Excommunicating’ Wife Who Refused to Stay with Abusive Husband. That is, in a word, disgusting! And it’s a misuse of the verse in question. So, in another word, it’s wrong.

Does Christianity really say wives submit to your husbands? Read More »

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