
New Testament Book # 27 – Revelation

Do politically active Christians understand the armor of God

Do politically active Christians understand the armor of God?

Do politically active Christians understand the armor of God? Judging by the words from Ron DeSantis and people’s reactions to those words, I’m sad to say that, in far too many cases, the answer is no. In fact, I’ll go further and say that politically active Christians who support DeSantis and the words coming from him don’t understand Christianity. They don’t understand some core statements from the Bible on Jesus or what He commanded His followers.

Do politically active Christians understand the armor of God? Read More »

Freedom of religion in china. A real thing or an oxymoron?

Can the atheist government in China redefine religion?

Who gets to define religion?  Actually, the better question is – who gets to redefine religion?  Maybe even who defines “of”.  We’re looking at China in this series, but the same issues come up everywhere.  It’s all about who sets the rules.  One thing we can be sure of – it’s not God.  Not in China.  And not in my country or yours either.

Can the atheist government in China redefine religion? Read More »

Government christianity or Jesus' Christianity. Which do you want?

Government christianity or Jesus’ Christianity. Which do you want?

I’ve started several times to write something like this. But it’s never gotten very far. However, with things around the world deteriorating, maybe it’s time to try again? This time, it’s in the form of a question. Government christianity or Jesus’ Christianity. Which do you want? I know, some of you want to answer neither. But that’s not a choice. We’ll see why not in a moment.

Government christianity or Jesus’ Christianity. Which do you want? Read More »

Never again will I destroy all living creatures.

Never again will I destroy all living creatures. Until …

Never again will I destroy all living creatures. That’s what God said. You know, back in Genesis, the first book in the Bible. Of course, that means He did destroy all living creatures once. However, let’s not forget what happens in Revelation, the last book in the Bible. God won’t destroy all living creatures. That doesn’t mean destruction isn’t coming though. Further, it says nothing of the earth itself. Is it time? Have we grieved God to the point where He’s finally going to end this fallen creation?

Never again will I destroy all living creatures. Until … Read More »

Would you make a deal with the devil if he promised to promote Christianity?

Would you make a deal with the devil if he promised to promote Christianity?

Would you make a deal with the devil if he promised to promote Christianity?  The answer’s obvious, right?  Wrong!  It seems to me there are two answers right now.  Most, hopefully, say “No way!”  Sadly though, I believe many are pretty much doing that right now.  It’s a sobering view of Christianity in the U.S. right now.  It’s very sad.  Scary even.

I dare say, anyone who even claims to be Christian says no to that question.  My concern though is that we don’t all examine what we’re doing through lens of the Bible.  What Jesus taught.  The examples He gave us both through His own life and through His words.  Not do we always pay attention to the letter written in the New Testament by Paul, James, Peter, Etc.  If we did, I think we’d be shocked.  Dismayed by what we’ve been doing.

Would you make a deal with the devil if he promised to promote Christianity? Read More »

Protecting laws from religion?

Religion and the law. Are we protecting laws from religion?

Protecting laws from religion?  Management of religious affairs is about protecting what is lawful.  That last sentence is the English translation of something from China’s Religious Affairs Regulations.  But does that even make sense?  China claims their citizens have freedom of religious belief.  So shouldn’t laws about religion be concerned with protecting those religions?

What’s this thing about protecting the law from religion?  It sounds so backwards.  And yet, is it even unusual?  We claim to have religious freedom in the U.S.  So do many countries.  But are we really doing anything different than China?  In other words, is the real issue that China isn’t hiding what they’re doing?  Let’s find out.

Religion and the law. Are we protecting laws from religion? Read More »

pigeon or dove - example of religious freedom in China

Religious freedom in China

To some, the idea of religious freedom in China sounds like an oxymoron.  You know – a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction.  Given that China is an officially atheist country, “religion” in China certainly isn’t what people in the so-called west expect.  Further, the concept of freedom of religion in an atheist country like China is, if it’s possible, even more of an oxymoron.

And yet …

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Where are the peacemakers? Who will speak for me?

Where are the peacemakers?

Jesus said, Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.  But where are the peacemakers?  In Isaiah, God asked who He should send, and one person said, Here I am! Send me!  Where is that person today?  Is there really no one willing to be God’s messenger today?  Are there really no sons of God left?  It appears that the answer to both is a resounding NO!  Jesus can ask, who will speak for me.  But no one’s answering.  Like an ostrich with its head in the sand, we can’t hear.

Where are the peacemakers? Read More »

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