
Old Testament Book # 19 – Psalms

Is the earth intelligent, or is this something else?

Is the earth intelligent, or is this something else?

A group of researchers have posed a fascinating — and downright mind bending — thought experiment: If a planet like Earth can be “alive,” can it also have a mind of its own? So – Is the earth intelligent, or is this something else? Maybe we should ask, how can there be an intelligent earth? For that matter, who says the earth is even alive? Or have we changed the meaning of alive?

Is the earth intelligent, or is this something else? Read More »

Christians - are you afraid of politicians?

Christians – are you afraid of politicians?

Christians – are you afraid of politicians?  Donald Trump seems to think you are.  Or at least hope you are.  But really, the question is deeper than that.

But first, let’s get into why the question even comes up.  It’s because of an article from Politico, titled‘Dangerous levels of contempt’: Trump deploys a convention to attack Dems on religion.  A short excerpt will shed light on what’s happening.

Christians – are you afraid of politicians? Read More »

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