
New Testament Book # 11 – Philippians

Does Christian complaining make you want to avoid church?

Do complaining Christians make you want to avoid church?

Do complaining Christians make you want to avoid church? It might. Sometimes, maybe it even should. However, having said that, it depends on who’s complaining, why, and to whom? Believe it or not, Biblically speaking, some complaining can be good. But some complaints can be very destructive. Oh, by the way, don’t leave the church in general. Leave that church – and find another.

Do complaining Christians make you want to avoid church? Read More »

Look to the Bible as our guide in the future

Look to the Bible as our guide in the future

Look to the Bible as our guide in the future. That’s a partial quote from one of our previous presidents. Any guesses as to who it was? Do you think he was Christian? Here are a couple clues. For decades after his death … … suffered a reputation as one of the nation’s worst presidents, consistently ranking in the bottom 10 in polls of historians.

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Where are the peacemakers? Who will speak for me?

Where are the peacemakers?

Jesus said, Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.  But where are the peacemakers?  In Isaiah, God asked who He should send, and one person said, Here I am! Send me!  Where is that person today?  Is there really no one willing to be God’s messenger today?  Are there really no sons of God left?  It appears that the answer to both is a resounding NO!  Jesus can ask, who will speak for me.  But no one’s answering.  Like an ostrich with its head in the sand, we can’t hear.

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