
New Testament Book # 10 – Ephesians

To be successful, don't speak negatively about yourself!

To be successful, don’t speak negatively about yourself!

To be successful, don’t speak negatively about yourself! That’s a no brainer, isn’t it? And yet, how often do we do exactly that? Today, we’ll take a look at something successful people are generally very good at. We’ll see how it works in everyday life. Then we’ll take a look at how Christians can use the same trait in everything in our lives as well.

To be successful, don’t speak negatively about yourself! Read More »

Do politically active Christians understand the armor of God

Do politically active Christians understand the armor of God?

Do politically active Christians understand the armor of God? Judging by the words from Ron DeSantis and people’s reactions to those words, I’m sad to say that, in far too many cases, the answer is no. In fact, I’ll go further and say that politically active Christians who support DeSantis and the words coming from him don’t understand Christianity. They don’t understand some core statements from the Bible on Jesus or what He commanded His followers.

Do politically active Christians understand the armor of God? Read More »

Does Christianity really say wives submit to your husbands?

Does Christianity really say wives submit to your husbands?

Does Christianity really say wives submit to your husbands? Well, that depends. The English words say that. Unless we take the time to read the rest of the sentence in which they occur. If we turn to the spirit of the words, no, it doesn’t necessarily say that at all. I ask because I was going to write about something totally different today. That is, until I read the headline – Grace Community Church Leaders under Fire for ‘Excommunicating’ Wife Who Refused to Stay with Abusive Husband. That is, in a word, disgusting! And it’s a misuse of the verse in question. So, in another word, it’s wrong.

Does Christianity really say wives submit to your husbands? Read More »

How do religion and society fit together?

How do religion, society and the government fit together?

How do religion and society fit together? Should religion and society fit together? And if those weren’t already tough enough questions, who gets to decide the answers? Religious leaders? Social activists? The government? But hang on a minute. Just when it seems like it can’t possibly get worse, it does. What if religion, everything related to society in general, and the government are all controlled by the same people?

Do you think that’s impossible? It’s not. It’s happening. Right now. In China, they’re well on their way to making it happen. The Communist Party is continuing to strengthen its hold on pretty much everything about official religion and Chinese society. Here in the U.S., many would like it to happen. Who exactly will be in control isn’t officially decided yet. But it appears that the government is winning, with Christians bowing down to the President.

How do religion, society and the government fit together? Read More »

Chinese citizens have the freedom of religious belief

Citizens have freedom of religious belief?

Citizens have freedom of religious belief.  That’s the English translation of something from China’s Religious Affairs Regulations.  But is it really true? 

Remember, China is a Communist country.  And an officially atheist one as well.  We must be forgiven if we doubt those fine-sounding words.  Especially after reading part 1 of this series. 

Remember, Article 1 of these regulations included the text, “increase the level of legalification in work on religion” as one of the stated goals for putting them into law.  How does that even make sense? 

Citizens have freedom of religious belief? Read More »

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