January 2020

People text more than they talk

People text more than they talk – a decade of changes

People text more than they talk. I’ve never liked talking on the phone.  Ever.  So maybe I was ahead of my time.  However, texting isn’t necessarily my preference either.  For short stuff – sure.  If I want a record of what’s going on – no.  Email is the way to go.  However, for personal matters, no amount of emojis will make up for face-to-face conversation.

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People don’t memorize anything

People don’t memorize anything – a decade of changes

People don’t memorize anything anymore. But ultimately, not memorizing anything is a bad way to live life.  Some things are just too important to not memorize.  Because of the cost of remembering them wrong, or looking them up in the wrong place, is just too high.

No one who wants to be Christian should go through life without memorizing certain things.  Things Jesus taught.  Because the one thing we don’t want to hear is Jesus saying, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!

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never leave the office

We never leave the office – a decade of changes

People never really leave the office.  That’s one of many things that have changed over the past decade.  At least according to 247temp.com.  I remember pretty much never leaving the office way more than ten years ago. 

But then, given that I worked in the technology field, maybe I was just in a position to do something that’s more common now.

The thing is, whether you were an early adopter like me, or someone who’s relatively recently earned the badge of never leaving the office, it has impacts.  And they aren’t good.

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We are basically online junkies

We are basically online junkies – a decade of changes

If I could paraphrase the ending, flee from anything that will prevent you from living the life to the full that Jesus offers to us.  Skip the fantasy online world.  Skip the impersonal “friends” that we gather online, even though we’ve never met and know little to nothing about each other.  

Get to know Jesus.  Be able to recognize His voice, able to tell the difference between the offers from God and the temptations of the devil.  Don’t just play pretend games, when we’re already in the ultimate, real, struggle for our very souls!

We are basically online junkies – a decade of changes Read More »

Politicians tell us to pray. But to who?

Politicians tell us to pray. But to who?

Politicians tell us to pray. It was a classic headline.  At least at the beginning.  Top lawmakers call for prayer.  It’s not unusual.  Politicians praying or telling us to pray.  But then there’s the rest of the headline.  Top lawmakers call for prayer, unity after Iran launches missile attack against US forces in Iraq.  That begs the question – Pray to who?

Many Americans pray, as do many people around the world.  But again, pray to who?  Maybe especially in this case, it’s a huge question.

Politicians tell us to pray. But to who? Read More »

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