August 2018

Rule over the earth: protect business from a climate problem that doesn't exist?

Rule over the earth: climate change, lies and money.

Rule over the earth: climate change, lies and money.  Genesis says we are to rule over the earth.  Republicans say there is no climate change problem.  Republicans want to spend $12 Billion to protect Texas oil from climate change.  Does no one see the problem here?  Is someone telling lies?

The party of the conservatives wants to spend money on a problem they claim doesn’t exist.  The party of the conservatives wants to spend money to protect the oil companies equipment from a problem caused by their own product.  And let’s not forget, the party of the conservatives includes the religious right, who are supposed to believe that God told us to take care of His creation.

Rule over the earth: climate change, lies and money. Read More »

Is Darwinism really about racism and misogyny?

Is Darwinism really about racism and misogyny?

Have we really sunk so low that we believe all that nonsense about favoured races and gender inequality?  Have we never spent any time with someone of another race?  I’m in the minority where I live.  And I think it’s awesome that I get to know so many people from so many different parts of the world.

The same is true for the gender based questions.  Do we really want those things taught to kids?  Do we want boys to grow up thinking that the girls are inferior?  And do we want the girls to grow up learning that they will always be second-class – behind the guys?

Is Darwinism really about racism and misogyny? Read More »

Remember the Sabbath

Remember the Sabbath. Can we remember what we don’t really know?

Remember the Sabbath.  But what is the Sabbath?  I mean the capital “S” Sabbath, not the generic lower case “s” sabbath.  Where did it come from?  What is it for?  What should we do?  And what should we get out of it?
Remember the Sabbath. What if we don’t know what the Sabbath is about? Is there value in knowing the wrong thing? Can we remember what we don’t really know?

Those question stem from a book I’m reading.  This will be of the first of a number of quotes from it.  They appear to be from a Judeo-Christian point of view.  At least the words sound like it.  Some of them.  They put out as assumptions.  And then they lead the reader someplace.  To a conclusion.  However, does the conclusion stay within Christian teaching?  That’s the question we’ll examine here.

Remember the Sabbath. Can we remember what we don’t really know? Read More »

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