
Do not be afraid. Unless I hate you?

Do not be afraid. Unless I hate you?

Do you know what “Do not be afraid” is supposed to mean to Christians?  And if you’re a “Trump” Christian, do you understand the significance of adding “unless I hate you”?  Christian or not, I’ll tell you, there’s no place in the Bible where you’ll find “unless I hate you” said in the same sentence as “do not be afraid”.  So why do some Christians insist on hating?

Do not be afraid. Unless I hate you? Read More »

the cross - where is forgiveness

Where is forgiveness? – ISIS bride’s father sues Trump administration.

The Headline:  Alabama ISIS bride’s father sues Trump administration over citizenship, seeks her return.  Trump says no.  My question for someone who claims to have done so much for Christians – where is forgiveness? Mt 6:14 “For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”Yeah – that forgiveness.

Where is forgiveness? – ISIS bride’s father sues Trump administration. Read More »

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