climate change

Why does it matter that we're not a Christian nation any more?

Why does it matter that we’re not a Christian nation any more?

Why does it matter that we’re not a Christian nation any more?  Maybe a better question – Does it matter that we’re not a Christian nation any more?  Forget about the why – does it even matter at all?  For those who think we still are a Christian nation, please see Americans want to read the Bible more, but don’t. That should remove any doubt that we really aren’t.  And while this is written with the U.S. in mind – it’s true for any country that used to be Christian, but no longer is. 

The passage in Malachi says, Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.”The question isn’t whether or not God will provide. No – the question is whether or not we will even bother to test God.

Why does it matter that we’re not a Christian nation any more? Read More »

Rule over the earth: protect business from a climate problem that doesn't exist?

Rule over the earth: climate change, lies and money.

Rule over the earth: climate change, lies and money.  Genesis says we are to rule over the earth.  Republicans say there is no climate change problem.  Republicans want to spend $12 Billion to protect Texas oil from climate change.  Does no one see the problem here?  Is someone telling lies?

The party of the conservatives wants to spend money on a problem they claim doesn’t exist.  The party of the conservatives wants to spend money to protect the oil companies equipment from a problem caused by their own product.  And let’s not forget, the party of the conservatives includes the religious right, who are supposed to believe that God told us to take care of His creation.

Rule over the earth: climate change, lies and money. Read More »

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