Proverbs 3 - Further Benefits of Wisdom

Similarities between Renewable Energy and Christianity in America's culture wars?

Similarities between Renewable Energy and Christianity in America’s culture wars?

Similarities between Renewable Energy and Christianity in America’s culture wars? Say What? Renewable energy and Christianity? Did I catch your attention with that? It’s more than getting attention though. I was really struck by some of the culture war issues that renewable energy and Christianity do have in common.

Similarities between Renewable Energy and Christianity in America’s culture wars? Read More »

Should we respond to hate with more hate?

Should we respond to hate with more hate?

Should we respond to hate with more hate?  I dare say, most people know the answer to this question.  It’s generic.  It doesn’t specify what kind of hate.  So chances are, most people would say “no, we should not respond to hate with more hate”.  The problem is, in the back of our minds, there’s an “unless it’s ______”.  If we’re talking about the specific kind of hate that pushes our buttons – the answer is quite different.  Even if we don’t like to acknowledge it.

Should we respond to hate with more hate? Read More »

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