
New Testament Book # 06 – Romans

To be successful, don't speak negatively about yourself!

To be successful, don’t speak negatively about yourself!

To be successful, don’t speak negatively about yourself! That’s a no brainer, isn’t it? And yet, how often do we do exactly that? Today, we’ll take a look at something successful people are generally very good at. We’ll see how it works in everyday life. Then we’ll take a look at how Christians can use the same trait in everything in our lives as well.

To be successful, don’t speak negatively about yourself! Read More »

Government christianity or Jesus' Christianity. Which do you want?

Government christianity or Jesus’ Christianity. Which do you want?

I’ve started several times to write something like this. But it’s never gotten very far. However, with things around the world deteriorating, maybe it’s time to try again? This time, it’s in the form of a question. Government christianity or Jesus’ Christianity. Which do you want? I know, some of you want to answer neither. But that’s not a choice. We’ll see why not in a moment.

Government christianity or Jesus’ Christianity. Which do you want? Read More »

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