
New Testament Book # 01 – Matthew

If Christians make abortion illegal, what have we really done?

If Christians make abortion illegal, what have we really done?

If Christians make abortion illegal, what have we really done?  The article starts off, The Ohio Senate on Wednesday approved controversial legislation banning abortion after a fetal heartbeat is detected.  That was almost four years ago. Now, more states have followed them. The Supreme Court, according to leaked documents, is about to overturn Roe v Wade. And my question is becoming more relevant and more critical every day.

If Christians make abortion illegal, what have we really done? Read More »

How does Christian love lead to white supremacy?

How does Christian love lead to white supremacy?

How does Christian love lead to white supremacy? I ask this question because of a recent headline in Time, titled It’s Time to Stop Giving Christianity a Pass on White Supremacy and Violence. Since I’m Christian, I had to ask one very simple question. What does Christianity have to do with white supremacy? I know it’s not a new thought. But is it a valid thought?

How does Christian love lead to white supremacy? Read More »

Five reasons why women gossip? What about men?

Five reasons why women gossip? What about men?

The headline read: Five reasons why women gossip. I immediately thought, men gossip too! So, what about men? Why doesn’t the headline say, Five reasons why people gossip? What’s going on here? Do men and women have different reasons? Or is that men, supposedly, don’t gossip? Like, maybe there’s another name for it when it’s men? Maybe, like the image says, with men it

Five reasons why women gossip? What about men? Read More »

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