Which “god” Saves? From what? How?

God and salvation – but who is the “god” of choice, and what does that “god” save you from?  These are the ultimate questions.  We all die.  However, we spend a short time on this earth and potentially eternity someplace else afterwards.  Therefore, aren’t the most important things we can do while we’re alive related to determining where we go when we’re no longer walking this earth?

We’ll consider all sorts of topics related to these questions.  Along the way, there are also things like:

  • Salvation
    • does the “god” even promise salvation?
    • exactly what does salvation mean?
    • what is required in order to be saved?
    • who is responsible for that salvation?
    • lead article:  Which God Provides Salvation For Us? 
  • Government and religion

As time goes on, more topics will be included.

The reason for asking all these questions is because we all need to know the truth about our religion.  The official documents – Holy Books, writings, tradition, major figures, outside influences – all have the potential to change what any given religion is about.  And then there’s what some religions say about others.  All of this can give a very different picture from what that religion’s “god” actually promises.

As we go through these things, we’ll take a look at the differences between what is commonly believed to be true about a religion, what their “holy” books say, Etc.  Then we’ll look at the real world implementation of the religion.  It will be interesting to see the differences in their “god”, their salvation, the way people should live – compared to the way all of these things actually play out in the world today.

Below are the high level topics discussed on this site.  Up to 10 articles will be displayed for each subject.  The list is in date order for each topic, with the most recent one at the top of the list.  


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Christianity and Islam

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Corporations and God

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Government and Religion

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Chinese Religious Regulations

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