Satanic temple statue is one reason why separation of church and state is a good thing.

Satanic temple statue is one reason why separation of church and state is a good thing.

I mean, it’s not like the satanic temple is out there forcing anything.  They’re just taking advantage of things that Christians have pushed for!  What are we thinking?  Are we thinking?

Do we have eyes to see?  Do we have ears to hear?  Do we understand our own Scriptures?  Do we even read them?  Are we – Christians – so busy pushing our own agenda, rather than Jesus’ agenda, that we’re actually the ones bringing ourselves closer to the end?

Satanic temple statue is one reason why separation of church and state is a good thing. Read More »

World's greatest teachers - Seven masters - one path

World’s greatest teachers. Seven masters – one path?

World’s greatest teachers.  Seven masters.  One path.  That’s amazing. The seven greatest teachers in the world all supposedly teaching the same thing.  All leading down the same path.  Awesome.  Unbelievable.  Well, actually, it really is unbelievable.  Maybe because it’s not true?

Yeah – Seven Masters, One Path.  It’s the title of a book that I got an email about today.

Interestingly, and I believe not by coincidence, I got another email today that was about one of those seven great teachers.  Well, actually, it was about all seven of them.

World’s greatest teachers. Seven masters – one path? Read More »

Why the Universe Exists

The Discovery That Could Have Predicted Why the Universe Exists

The Discovery That Could Have Predicted Why the Universe Exists is the headline.  The first comment at the time I read the article: Could there be an optical/mental illusion that we might be missing from these experiments? That comment is, accidentally or otherwise, right on target.

The Standard Model can’t possibly be right.  But that same person says they have strengthened the Standard Model?  And it excludes other models?  Seriously.

The Discovery That Could Have Predicted Why the Universe Exists Read More »

Reopen mines that poison - is this what God meant by subdue the earth?

Reopen mines that poison – is this what God meant by subdue the earth?

Sadly, it’s not surprising that Donald Trump’s EPA wants to reopen a mine that’s poisoning and slowly killing people.  But here’s a whole town that’s more concerned with people knowing about what’s really going on – than to do something about it.  The people who come here for recreation are most likely clueless.  But even the people who live there – they are shamed into not even taking proper care of their children.

Reopen mines that poison – is this what God meant by subdue the earth? Read More »

would you go to church in a boat?

Would you go to church in a boat?

Would you go to church in a boat?  I recently read a headline that made me ask this question of myself.  Now, I wonder how others might answer.  It’s happening right now.  The deadline I read was: Two secret churches in {country name to follow} show how powerful the Bible really is.  

The article starts off with this:

In the early morning light, a small group of{country name to follow} believers meets on the riverbank, lugging their fishing gear with them.

Quietly, they load into a small boat and push off from land. It’s not until they’re far into the middle of the river that they … to dig through their gear and pull out their Bibles.

Would you do this?

Would you go to church in a boat? Read More »

Chinese authorities destroy two Marian shrines

Chinese authorities destroy two Marian shrines – shocking – or expected?

Chinese authorities destroy two Marian shrines.  Some are probably shocked, since the Vatican just signed a mysterious agreement with China related to having the Communist Party in China appoint Bishops of the Catholic Church in that country.  However, if you’ve read China appoints seven Catholic Bishops – did the Pope just sell out underground churches? then you shouldn’t be surprised at all.  If anything, this was to be expected.

So Sad. Can you even imagine Paul or any of the Saints from the early church telling people to Wait for better times because the Roman Empire isn’t eternal?

Chinese authorities destroy two Marian shrines – shocking – or expected? Read More »

We can lie to ourselves and each other, but not to God

We can lie to ourselves and each other, but not to God

We can lie to ourselves and each other, but not to God.  As hard as we try, and no matter how much we may convince ourselves of success, we cannot lie to God.  I just read something from – Ministers interrupt Sessions, are removed from religious freedom conference.  I wish I could say I was shocked by it.  Unfortunately, this kind of thing is happening all too often.  And judging by the reaction of the first comment, people actually go for this stuff.  I’d include the comment, but I’d have to bleep it.

We can lie to ourselves and each other, but not to God Read More »

The high road: Should democrats turn the other cheek?

The High Road: Should democrats turn the other cheek?

I have anything against her.  It’s more that our current president, and those in power that are following / becoming more like him, make me really take another look at both parties.  And I don’t like either one. 

There are so many things that, as a Christian, I must take exception to.  But for whatever reason, God has us living in a democracy.  And we have the ability to vote.  But how do we choose, when both sides are so anti-Christian – if not in word then certainly in deed.  The things both sides do should be unacceptable to Christians.  So how do we choose who to vote for?

The High Road: Should democrats turn the other cheek? Read More »

Does China want to rewrite the Bible?

Does China want to rewrite the Bible?

Does China want to rewrite the Bible?  Persecution watchdog organization China Aid says yes.  

To better control the growth and influence of Christianity, the Chinese government plans to incorporate Buddhist scripture and Confucian teachings into the Bible and edit worship songs to include Chinese characteristics, the head of a persecution watchdog has revealed.

If you’re a regular, you’ve seen articles here on both “government and religion” and specifically on “Chinese Religious Regulations”.  It appears that China is about to further strengthen its grip on Christianity in China.  This time, it will be by re-translating the Old Testament and re-write commentaries for the New Testament.  Details are available from The Gospel Herald.

Does China want to rewrite the Bible? Read More »

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